Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hava haqqında

The sun is shining for the second day in a row in Baku! Oh happy day. So far, the four weeks leading up to Novruz have lived up to their name - Boz Ay - the gray month. Like many people, I have been sick this winter. Many people blame the profusion of viruses on the fact that we haven't had a real snowfall. Could be. Whatever the case, it is time I worked on some new posts, so I'll start with the weather.

The seasons are qış, bahar, yay, payız (winter, spring, summer, fall).(

Various forms of precipitation are yağış, qar, sulu qar, dolu, narın yağış, şaxta (rain, snow, sleet, hail, drizzle, frost).

Types of weather include günəşli, küləkli, dumanlı, buludlu, yağmurlu, şaxtalı, sərin, soyuq, mülayim, isti, çox isti (sunny, windy, foggy, cloudy, rainy, frosty, cool, cold, mild, warm, hot).

Other weather words include iqlim, hərarət, dərəcə (climate, temperature, degree).

You can also describe the weather as yaxşı, gözəl, əla, pis, dəhşət pis (nice, beautiful, perfect, bad, really bad).

One word that I have recently learned appears frequently in weather reports - nisbətən - which means "in comparison" or "comparatively". Here are some examples from the Internet:

Fevralın 21-də ölkə ərazisində qeyri-sabit hava şəraiti davam edəcək, fevralın 22-də isə nisbətən mülayim hava şəraiti müşahidə ediləcək.= Changeable (not-constant) weather conditions will continue around the country on Feb.21, and on Feb.22 comparatively mild weather conditions will be observed.

Bakıda yağış yağacaq, temperatur nisbətən enəcək. = In Baku it will rain, the temperature in comparison (to today) will fall.

Azərbaycan ərazisində havanın temperaturu nisbətən yüksələcək. = The air temperature will rise comparatively around Azerbaijan.

Sabah Azərbaycan ərazisində nisbətən sabit, yağmursuz hava şəraiti proqnozlaşdırılır. = Tomorrow around Azerbaijan it will be comparatively stable, and the forecast is not calling for rain.

I was beginning to wonder if this word is only used for weather! But then I found this sentence:

Əvvəlki illərə nisbətən subsidiya alanların sayı azalıb. = In comparison to previous years, the number of people getting subsidies has diminished.

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