Friday, June 21, 2013

Song - Sarı Gəlin

Arguably the most well-known song in Azerbaijan and something of a second national anthem I believe. A beautiful song. I have long thought about attempting to translate it, but have been avoiding it because of the difficulty of some lines. I look forward to getting lots of help with this one!

The first two stanzas are the ones that I am familiar with, but there is a third stanza. It is very hard to translate. I notice that Alim Qazımov sang the first and third stanzas for Eurovision. I also noticed he replaced "gülü sulu" with "gülü qönçə" instead - flower buds. Some sources list "Nə ola bir gün görəm" as "Gün ola mən bir görəydim". But, these small changes aside, the song is pretty much as below.

You will probably notice that all lines are 7 syllables long. Online sources say this is because the poem is written in the Bayati form. I will assume then that there is room for interpretation of some lines since they are strictly limited in this way. So, here's my first go at a translation... Thanks to a posting I will alter the translation of the final stanza. Very helpful commentary!

Sarı Gəlin
Fair-haired Bride
Saçın ucun hörməzlər
Gülü sulu dərməzlər
Sarı gəlin
Saçın ucun hörməzlər
Gülü sulu dərməzlər
Sarı gəlin
Your hair should not be braided,
Tender buds should not be picked.
Fair-haired bride.
Bu sevda nə sevdadır
Səni mənə verməzlər
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
Bu sevda nə sevdadır
Səni mənə verməzlər
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
This love, what an intense longing,
But they will not give me your hand.
Oh, what can I do?
What can I do?
Fair-haired bride.
Bu dərənin uzunu,
Çoban, qaytar quzunu, quzunu
Bu dərənin uzunu,
Çoban, qaytar quzunu, quzunu 
Nə ola bir gün görəm
Nazlı yarın üzünü 
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
Nə ola bir gün görəm
Nazlı yarın üzünü
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
To this long valley,
Shepherd, return your flock,
Would that I could see
My love's beautiful face.
Oh, what can I do?
What can I do?
Fair-haired bride.

Aşıq ellər ayrısı,
Şana tellər ayrısı,
Bir gününə dözmədim,
Oldum illər ayrısı.
Neynim aman, aman, sarı gəlin.

The ashug sings, beyond compare,
Her glorious locks, nonpareil,
I cannot endure another day,
After years of separation,
Oh, what can I do,
Fair bride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting and quite difficult to translate. However I see you overcome it very well.
But I would like to tell something about last couplet in which the word "ayrı" are used several times. Written form of these words are same but have subtle difference in meaning. That we call homonym. In first sentence, "ayrı" in a sense it does not mean separation, it means it is differing from others positively, mostly used in speech. For example, sən ayrı insansan very simple sentences, it means you are so excelling from others positively, you are different, you have special place. In first sentence, Aşıq ellər ayrısı - Ashik has its special place between the people.
In second sentences, its meaning is also same. In third it finally means separation.

By the way, it is common for bayati. And in bayati the main meaning is told in third and last sentences.