Friday, June 20, 2014

Sualım var...

I have completed all 18 levels of "Azerbaijani vocab" from Memrise. Well, "planted"at least. Now I have to "water" these seeds. It is definitely a good method of getting vocabulary into your long-term memory. There are a few typos you have to watch out for, but overall it is very accurate in its translation and spelling. However, a few questions arose...

1. The translation of wind is given as ruzgar. My red dictionary says this can also be ruzigar. Now, this is interesting because I have just moved to a new apartment near a Ruzi Market. I thought, Ruzi? - is this someone's name? No. My friend explained that it means something like "plentiful". She used the phrase "ruzi bərəkət", meaning a table that is provided with everything you need for a nice meal. My question is - does ruzi in the word ruzigar have this meaning somehow? It is interesting to note that ruzigar can also mean weather. Even more interesting - a metaphorical meaning for life or existence. The dictionary gives two examples of this usage: pis ruzigar keçirmək (to live badly) and ruzigarı bəd əsmək (to suffer a setback, to fail). But in terms of just referring to wind, I have never, ever heard this word. Would Azerbaijans use this word as an equivalent term for külək?

2. Two words are given that mean international: beynalxalq (which you see everywhere) and beynalmiləl (which I have never seen or heard before). My regular taxi driver says the terms have slightly different meanings, but he couldn't explain. Can anyone out there elucidate?

3. It introduced me to the very strange word srağagün for the day before yesterday. Whoa, can someone pronounce that for me? Is this word commonly used? I would have said iki gündən qabaq.

Hope to hear from someone soon...


Anonymous said...

Your questions are quite interesting. Although I am native, it make me look for dictionaries for giving much detailed answer.

1. Ruzgar and ruzigar (comes from Persian) mean the same - mostly used for wind and its forms. Ruzigarlı - windy. But, in daily conversation we do not use them much. It is much poetic in Azerbaijani. But in Turkish they use the first one very often and it is common in there with the meaning "wind".
But, the word has a lot of meanings in Azerbaijani, some of them are: weather (e.g. Ruzigar buludlaşdı); time, fate, fortune (e.g. Necə ağlamayım ki, illər ilə bəslədiyim məhəbbəti ruzigar puç etmək istəyir by Nəriman Nərimanov; life (e.g. Ruzigarım qara günə dönüb.) etc.

Well, if you look the dictionary for the word "ruz" (it also comes from Persian) you will find that it means "day, daytime". Also there are many words starts with this word, such as "ruziəzəl - beginning, ruziəzəldən - from very outset; ruzü şəb - day and night; ruzi-məşhər - doomsday. In these words, the ending "-i" is suffix characteristics for Persian.

The word - "Ruzi" means food. Ruzi bərəkət means - plenty food. Bərəkət = plenty, abundance etc. mostly used for foods, and for the works or activities, that you wish someone to get much profit or much fertile results from it). Bu il bərəkətli oldu = This year have been fertile. (We got the expected or more than expected results from our desired activity).

I tried to explain the meaning of the words. Unfortunately, as these words comes from Persian, I cannot tell much accurate answer regarding the connection between them. So, I left this part to someone who is linguist and have knowledge on Persian :-).

2. Beynəlxalq and beynəlmiləl have the completely the same meaning - international. Beynəlmiləl is used less, and the word "miləl" (comes from Arabic language) means nations. Xalq is Azerbaijani word means - nation or people. So, as you see they are same. But, beynəlxalq is much common.

3.Srağa gün you know the meaning. In dialects, it pronounced sometimes different. You can pronounce it like [sıraha]. But, if it is difficult, you can avoid using it. You can tell "iki gün əvvəl/qabaq". And you also can use "əvvəlki gün" for it, if you have already referred for yesterday. For example, Dünən mən məktəbə getmişdim, əvvəlki gün isə evdə idim - Yesterday I have gone to school, the day before I was at home.

I hope it is helpful, at least a little.

Prof Coline said...

Wow, very informative. I like your examples. Thanks for posting!