Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Turns of phrase

A few turns of phrase. Can you guess what they mean? Answers follow. Thanks to my colleague Lalə for suggesting these.

1. Pişiklər çox həssas heyvandılar.

2. Qulağıma səs dəyib ki, sən köçürsən.

3. Sən çox arıqlamısan! Lap bir dərisən, bir sümük!

4. Mənim rəfiqəm iki il pəhriz tutdu, amma arıqlaya bilmədi.

5. Nanə çox faydalı bitkidir.

6. Mən zəfəranlı aşı çox sevirəm.

1. Cats are very sensitive creatures. (Can be used to describe people as well, in the sense of being overly sensitive.)
2. I heard that you are going to move. (Lit.: A voice touched my ear that you are moving.)
3. You have lost a lot of weight! You are now just skin and bones.
4. My friend (a female friend) has been on a diet for two years but has not been able to lose any weight.
5. Mint is a very useful (beneficial to one's health) plant.
6. I really love plov with saffron.

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