Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gözəlim Sənsən

Another song I will soon try to learn to sing. Very beautiful when sung by Rashid Behbudov.

Gözəlim sənsən,
Gözümün nuru.
Cənnətdə yoxdur
Sənin tək huri.

You are my beautiful love,
The light of my eye.
In all of paradise
There is not a houri who can compare to you.


Yaralıyam, dəymə, dəymə, dəymə, dəymə!
Gülümün butasın əymə, əymə, əymə, əymə!

I am wounded, please don't break my heart!
The flower's tender bud, don't bend it!

Uca dağ başında
Ceyran yol eylər,
Ürəyin başında
Tikan kol eylər.

At the top of the tall mountain
Behold the path of the gazelle,
In my heart
Behold the tangle of thorns.


Yaralıyam, dəymə, dəymə, dəymə, dəymə!
Gülümün butasın əymə, əymə, əymə, əymə!

I am wounded, please don't break my heart!
The flower's tender bud, don't bend it!

As usual, a real challenge to translate. Your comments would be appreciated.

Avtobus haqqında hamı

Beşinci gün mən İnşaatçılar küçəsidə avtobus gözləmişəm. Üç dəfə mən mənim dayanmaq üçün onları istədiyim avtobus sürücüsünə işarə etdim. Ancaq hər dəfə avtobus dayanmadı və ya tərk edilən, mən minə biləndən əvvəl. Mənim acığımı təsəvvür edin! Bu vaxta mən yarım saat ərzində orada gözləməkdən sonra donduruldum. Ona görə də, mən sadəcə evə getdim və mənim musiqi dərsimdən iştirak etmədim.

Nə mən avtobuslar haqqında xoşlayıram:
  • Onlar tez-tez gəlirlər.
  • Ən böyük avtobuslar olduqca rahatdır.
  • Kişilər qadınlara avtobusda onların yerləri təklif edəcək. 
  • Ucuzdur.

Nə mən avtobuslar haqqında xoşlaymıram:
  • Avtobus sürücüləri diqqətsiz hərəkət edir.
  • Avtobus sürücüləri həddindən artıq sürətlə hərəkət edir.
  • Onlar qapılar ilə hərəkət edirlər, açılır.
  • Onlar avtobusda siqaretlər çəkirlər.
  • Onlar sizin üçün dayanmırlar.
  • Siz tamamilə boşalandan əvvəl onlar sürüb getməyə başlayırlar.
  • Mən avtobusda puldan qarət edilmişəm.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Create a negative adjective with na-

There are three ways that I know of to create a negative adjective out of a positive one.

1. Add -siz to the end = without
2. Write it as gerund using -mayan = not being.
3. Add na- to the beginning.

This post will look at the last way. While it seems to me that you can add -siz to just about any adjective in Azerbaijani, na- can only be added to some. However, it is a good way to increase your word power because it is so easy to use. Here is a list of all of the words with na- that I have been able to find.

nabələd - not bələd (familiar) = unfamiliar, strange; also = a stranger; uninitiated
nabələdlik - strangeness, non-acquaintance, ignorance
nacins - not yaxşı cins (of good stock) = ignoble, base, dishonorable
nacinslik - the quality of being dishonorable or dishonest
naçar - no çarə (way out) = hopeless, desperate
naçarlıq - hopelessness, desperateness
nadan - from nothing? = ignoramus, an ignorant person; also = impolite, rude, ignorant
nadanlıq - ignorance
nadinc - not quiet, calm, peaceful = naughty, mischievous
nadinclik - mischief, naughtiness
nadir - not common, rare; seldom, rarely
nadirlik - rarity, rareness
nadürüst - not correct, true, precise = rogue, quack, scoundrel; roguish, cunning
nadürüstlük - slyness, roguery, dishonesty
nagah - not now? = unexpectedly, suddenly, all of a sudden, by accident
nagüman - not according to your hypothesis or expectation = hopeless
nahaq - not true, right, just = vain, useless; unjust, false
nahaqdan - for nothing, in vain
nahamar - not smooth, even = rough, uneven
nahamarlıq - unevenness, roughness
naxələf - not a follower, not a good son = ignoble son, unkind child; mean person; ungrateful, unkind
naxələflik - meanness, ungratefulness
nakam - not your wish, desire = unfortunate, ill-fated, luckless
nakəs - not a person = dishonest person; mean, ungenerous, despicable
nakəslik - the quality of being unkind, mean
nakişi - not a man = a dishonest person
nakişilik - dishonesty
naqabil - not capable, able = unworthy, worthless, mean, clumsy
nalayiq - not suitable, worthy = unworthy, unsuitable, improper; indecently, improperly, lewdly
nalayiqlik - lewdness, indecency, impropriety
namehriban - not kind = unkind, cruel, impolite
naməhrəm - not sincere = stranger, alien
naməhrəmlik - strangeness
naməlum - not known, not intelligible = unknown, unfamiliar, mysterious
naməlumluq - uncertainty, obscurity, indefiniteness
namərd - not brave = mean, treacherous, base, insidious, disloyal
namərdlik - insidiousness, perfidy
namöhkəm - not durable, not strong = flimsy
namöhkəmlik - lack of strength or solidity
namünasib - not suitable, not right = incongruous, not corresponding to
namünasiblik - discrepancy, disparity, incongruousness
namüvafiq - not corresponding = not corresponding to, incongruous
namüvafiqlik - discrepancy, disparity, incongruousness
nanəcib - not noble = dishonorable man; ignoble, base
nanəciblik - ignominy, dishonestly, meanness
narahat - not easy, comfortable = uneasy, worried, anxious, troubled
narahatlıq - anxiety, uneasiness, nervousness, trouble
narazı - not pleased, not satisfied = dissatisfied, discontented, displeased
narazılıq - dissatisfaction, discontent, displeasure
nasaz - not in good order, not in good repair = sick, unhealthy
nasazlıq - indisposition, lethargy, sickliness
naşükür - not thankful = ungrateful, thankless
naşükürlük - ungratefulness, ingratitude
natamam - not complete = incomplete, imperfect, unfinished
natamamlıq - incompleteness, imperfection
nataraz - not balanced = clumsy, awkward
natarazlıq - clumsiness, hugeness
natəmiz - not clean = dirty, unclean, soiled; dirtily, untidily
natəmizlik - untidiness, slovenliness; unscrupulous
naümid - not your hope or wish = hopeless, desperate
naümidlike - hopelessness, despair

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Laçın (xalq mahnısı) - another version

I'm learning to sing this version of Laçın. It's slightly different than the one I posted earlier. I have highlighted the differences. The last paragraph is completely new and has the difficult-to-translate bənd.

Araz axar lil ilə,
Dəstə-dəstə gül ilə,
Mən yarımı sevirəm
Şirin-şirin dil ilə

The Araz flows with silt,
With bunches of flowers,
I love my dear love
With sweet words.

Ay Laçın, can Laçın,
Mən sənə qurban Laçın...

Oh Lachin, dear Lachin
I would be a sacrifice for you...

Bağçaların sarı gül,
Yarı qönçə, yarı gül,
Gec açıldın, tez soldun,
Olmayaydın barı gül,

The gardens have yellow flowers,
Half bud, half flower,
You were opened late, you faded quickly,
Would that you had not been!

Ay Laçın, can Laçın,
Mən sənə qurban Laçın...

Oh Lachin, dear Lachin
I would be a sacrifice for you...

Arazam, Kürə bəndəm,
Bülbüləm gülə bəndəm.
Dindirməyin, qəmliyəm,
Bir şirin dilə bəndəm.

I am the Araz, I belong to Kür,
I am a nightingale, a lover of flowers.
Do not question me, I am sorrowful,
I am a slave to sweet words.

Ay Laçın, can Laçın,
Mən sənə qurban Laçın...

Oh Lachin, dear Lachin
I would be a sacrifice for you...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rəng - definition

This is how İzahlı monografik musiqi lüğəti defines rəng:

- muğam şöbələri arasında ifa olunan instrumental pyes.

- a performance of an instrumental piece of music between the sections of a mugham.

I really enjoy playing rangs. I assume that the name comes from the word for color because they add color to the mugham. 

Təsnif - definition

This is how İzahlı monografik musiqi lüğəti defines təsnif:

- ər. Dəstgah şöbələri arasında (əvvəlkinə nəhayət vermək yekun vurma,  sonrakına isə keçmək üçün) ifa olunan mahnı formasına bənzər (kuplet forması) dəqiq və sabit ölçülü nəğmə.

A bit difficult to translate...

- air. Between the sections of a mugham (to conclude and sum up the previous section, and to introduce the following section) a song is performed that is in couplet form using an exact and strict meter.


Here is a paragraph introducing təsniflər from the book Min Bir Mahnı. I'll try my best to translate it afterwards.

"Muğam (yer, məkan) - iri həcmli instumental əsər olub, şifahi ənənəyə malik Azərbaycan klassik musiqisi janrlarından biridir. Yaxın və Orta Şərq xalqları arasında bu və ya digər dərəcədə muğama yaxın musiqi janrları mövcuddur (ərəb və türklərdə - məkan, türkmən və uyğurlarda - mukam, özbək və taciklərdə - makom, İran xalqları musiqisində - dəstgah). Muğam spesifik, çox hissəli musiqi janrı kimi orta əsrlərin son dövründə formalaşmışdır. Lakin muğamların tərkibinə daxil olan müxtəlif şöbə, guşə, təsnif və rənglərin yaranma tarixi daha qədimdir."

Some useful vocabulary:

iri həcmli - huge
şifahi ənənə - oral tradition
yaxın - close
orta şərq - Middle East
xalqlar - peoples
arasında - among
dərəcə - degree
hissəli - with parts
dövr - epoch
tərkib - composition
daxil - inside
müxtəlif - various
yaranma - creation
şöbə - section

Muğam (yer, məkan) - iri həcmli instumental əsər olub, şifahi ənənəyə malik Azərbaycan klassik musiqisi janrlarından biridir. 

Mugham (earth, place) - consists of a huge number of instrumental works, one of the genres of classical Azerbaijani music from the oral tradition.

Yaxın və Orta Şərq xalqları arasında bu və ya digər dərəcədə muğama yaxın musiqi janrları mövcuddur (ərəb və türklərdə - məkan, türkmən və uyğurlarda - mukam, özbək və taciklərdə - makom, İran xalqları musiqisində - dəstgah). 

Nearby and Middle Eastern peoples have mugham to various degrees of close musical genres (Arabs and Turks have məkan, Turkmen and Uighers have mukam, Uzbeks and Tadgiks have makom, and the Iranian people have dəstgah).

Muğam spesifik, çox hissəli musiqi janrı kimi orta əsrlərin son dövründə formalaşmışdır. 

Mugham itself is a multi-part musical genre that was formulated in the last period of the Middle Ages.

Lakin muğamların tərkibinə daxil olan müxtəlif şöbə, guşə, təsnif və rənglərin yaranma tarixi daha qədimdir.

But within mughams there are many different kinds of composition - shoba, gusha, tasnif, and rangs, whose creation is much more ancient.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A sign about gas safety

These signs have started to appear on some doors to apartment buildings. Can you translate?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eurovision: Ten things you need to know

Hey, if you are visiting Azerbaijan, it is a foreign country. As with any foreign country, there are some things you need to know before you come here to take full advantage of your visit. Here's my top ten need-to-know list.

1. The average low for May is 15 degrees C (59 F) and the average high is 22 degrees C (72 F). These are the official numbers. However, in my experience it is usually much hotter in late May, so come prepared for hot, sunny weather. Definitely bring your sunglasses.

2. Having said that, men in Azerbaijan do not wear shorts. They just don't do it. And they feel very uncomfortable around a man who is wearing shorts. If I were a guy coming to Baku, I'd pack only very lightweight trousers. Women can and do wear shorts and short skirts. Women are very fashion-conscious here.

3. One thing women do not do in public here is smoke. It is a real no-no. However, if you are a male smoker, you will be in heaven. Cigarettes are cheap and you can smoke just about anywhere. Women do smoke in bars.

4. If you look unusual (that is, a foreigner), people might ask to have your picture taken with them. It's never happened to me because people assume I'm Russian. But my friend from Zimbabwe has been asked a lot. Try to be polite. Or just say No, no, no, thanks. - Yox, yox, yox, sağ olClick here for the pronunciation.

5. The purple taxis are the only metered taxis that I know of in Baku. With anyone else, you may get a fair price, or you may be ripped off. Take your chances. Here is a picture of a purple cab.

6. The fruit and veg in Baku is really something special. If you see a little fruit and veg shop, stop by for a treat. You will not be disappointed.

7. On the subject of food, try the local specialities - Turkish-style kababs, eggplant dishes, lavangi (chicken stuffed with walnuts), the local tandir bread, qutab (thin bread - lavash - stuffed with either fresh herbs or meat). The food here is really great. I have an allergy to gluten, so don't eat the bread but people rave about it.

8. Try the local beers. My husband recommends 33 and Xirdalan. You can also find specialty foreign beers like Guinness (Finnegan's downtown) and Hoegaarden (1/5 Mərtəbə on Sərdarov St.). However, do not be seen drunk on the streets. This is really frowned upon. There are plenty of cabs outside of bars in the evening. If you have had too much to drink, pour yourself into a cab and go back to your hotel.

9. Traffic can be a bit hectic. Never assume that a driver is going to drive strictly according to the rules of road. Take advantage of the many underground pedestrian passages to get from one side of the street to another. Baku is a great city for walking around - just be cautious when crossing streets. Plus, there are many lovely pedestrianized areas. You will see locals launching themselves across busy streets. I don't recommend it.

10. VISA and Mastercards work with any ATM but the fees are high. You are better off bringing American dollars and exchanging it at one of the plentiful exchange shops - called Valyuta.

11. OK, just thought of one more. It is common for men to walk arm and arm here, and to greet each other with a kiss. Ditto for women walking arm and arm and greeting with a little kiss on the cheek. We have lived in the Middle East so long that this seems completely normal, but for a complete foreigner it may strike you as odd. Not common for a lot of public affection to be demonstrated between men and women, so act accordingly.

If you have questions, post them and I'll answer as best I can.

Eurovision: Ten things you need to be able to say

Excitement is growing in Baku about the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. Improvements in infrastructure are beetling along at an amazing pace. The city is really looking fantastic and there is news every day about another new hotel drawing to completion.

When I speak with local shopkeepers they are excited - and nervous - about the prospect of such a huge number of foreigners descending on their city. Why nervous? Because most Azerbaijanis in shops and taxis know almost no English. So - be kind! Come prepared. Learn the following list of simple words and phrases and you will be met with smiling (and relieved) Bakuvians. If you are fortunately enough to speak Russian, you will have very little trouble in Baku. If you speak Turkish, you will be understood.

NB: Download the mp3 file at the bottom of the list to hear what it all sounds like.

1. "Hello" is a very simple Salam.

2. "Please" is a more difficult Zəhmət olmasa - but you will definitely get people's attention if you start out like this.

3. "I didn't understand." is Başa düşmədim.

4. "Where is ______?" is ________________ haradadır?

5. Numbers one to ten: bir, iki, üç, dörd, beş, altı, yeddi, səkkiz, doqquz, on.

6. Item - dənə (as in 2 of these - iki dənə)

7. Thanks - Sağ ol.

8. Bye - Sağ ol. (And you thought this would be difficult?)

9. Excuse me - Bağışlayın.

10. Do you speak English? Siz İngiliscə danışırsınız?

Need to be able to say

Monday, January 2, 2012

Articles from AZ Magazine - Lesson 1

I am now writing a regular column for AZ Magazine on learning Azerbaijani. I will post a link each time one is published. They should be helpful for people who are just beginning to explore this wonderful language.

Lesson 1