Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feli bağlama -əndə

Feli bağlama are verb suffixes that create new verbal relationships. There are many feli bağlama in Azerbaijani. Verbal suffixes can change the meaning of a verb and its relationship to the second verb in a sentence. These are a bit difficult but very useful.

-əndə - meaning "when" 
The two verbs take place at the same time or close to the same time. This verb suffix is very common in spoken Azerbaijani. It is probably the easiest verb suffix to learn.

Dünən məktəbdən çıxanda onu gördüm. I saw him yesterday as I left school.
O danışanda hamı qulaq asır. When he speaks everyone listens.

Feli sifət (verb suffixes that create adjectives)

This verbal adjective is created by adding -miş to the verb root. The adjective describes something that happened in the past.

çəkilmiş ət - ground meat (meat that has been ground)
danışmış sözlər - spoken words (words that have been spoken)
yazılmıs kitablar - written books (books that have been written)
dünən telefonda danışmış (danışan) qadın - the woman who was talking on the phone yesterday

Geyim (Clothing)

alt paltarı - underwear
ayaqqabı - shoe
cəftə - snap
corab - sock
çəkmə - boots

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yem (Food, fodder)

Biz gündə üç dəfə yemək yeyirik.  - We eat three meals a day.
Yeməyin var? - Do you have anything to eat? (Is there anything to eat.)
Yaxşı yedin? - Did you have a good meal?
Mən uşağı yedızdirdim. - I fed the child.
Mən pişiyi yedizdirdim. - I fed the cat.

Təmiz (Clean)

Onun üreyi çox təmizdir. - He is very sincere.
Biz təmiz söhbət elədik. - We had a frank discussion.
Təmiz deyil. - It is not clean. [This can be said of playing an instrument, if the notes are not true. If you hit all the notes correctly, your playing is təmiz.]

Sehv (Mistake)

Mən səhv etdim. - I made a mistake.
Səhvsiz insan olmur. - There's no such thing as a perfect person.

İnam (Belief)

Nə olursa, olsun, inamını itirmə! Whatever will happen, let it happen, but don't lose your faith.
İnam olmayan yerdə iman olmaz. (Atalar sözü) Where there is no belief faith is impossible.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Xaric (Outside)

O, xarici gəldi. He came from abroad.

Insanın xarici gözəlliyinə yox, daxili gözəlliyinə fikir vermək lazımdır. Don't look at a person's exterior beauty, but give thought to their inner beauty.

Onun bağı şəhərin xaricində idi. His place is outside of the city.

Bütün qaydalardan xariç, o maşınını sərxoş vəziyyətdə sürürdü. Without any regard for the rules, he drove his car while drunk.

İç (Inside)

Qapı içəridən bağlıdır. The door is locked from the inside.

Stəkanən içində nəsə var. There is something in your glass.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eurovision 2011 - Küçələrə su səpmişəm

We've all heard Eldar and Nigar's Eurovision song, Running Scared, but what about the other one?

So just what was that song that Eldar and Nigar (Eli/Nikki) sang during an interview for Eurovision? It is one of the most famous and beloved of all Azerbajian's xalq mahnısı (folk songs) - Küçələrə su səpmişəm (transliterated into English as Kuchalara su sapmisham or Kuchelere su sepmishem). It is famously sung by Rashid Behbudov. It is also included as a song in the singing of mugham.

Here is the first stanza, followed by my English translation. Each line is sung twice.

Küçələrə su səpmişəm,
Yar gələndə toz olmasın.
Elə gəlsin, elə getsin,
Aramızda söz olmasın.

I have thrown water into the street,
My beloved is coming, so there must not be dust.
Let her come, let her go,
But let there not be words between us.

A brilliant rendition by a young Azerbaijani singer as part of a mugham:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hazır (Ready)

Yemək hazırdır. - Dinner is ready.
O, hər şeyə hazırdır. - He is prepared to do anything.
O, çox hazırlıqlıdır. - He is very prepared.

Çirkli (Dirty)

Çirki yu. - Wash the dirt.
Ağ ayaqqabı təz çirklənir. - White shoes quickly become dirty.
Əlini çirkləndirmə! - Don't get your hands dirty!

Aydın (Clear)

Aydın gün - clear day
Bu məsələ aydınlaşdırmalıdır. - This question (or problem) must be explained (clarified).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Verbs in English alphabetical order

This is a listing of verbs in English alphabetical order. 

to abandon                              -i                      tərk etmək
to accept                                 -i -dən              qəbul etmək                
to accommodate                      -i -də                yerləşdirmək
to accomplish some work                                iş görmək
to act shy                                 -ə                    utanmaq
to advise                                  -ə                    məsləhət görmək

Essential verb list in Azerbaijani alphabet order

The following list is 12 pages long if printed on A4 paper. It lists commonly used verbs (infinitive), followed by the cases that they take. English translation follows. I have found learning verbs to be the most effective path to conversational Azerbaijani. 

acmaq (-) to feel hungry
açmaq (i) to open
ağlamaq (-) to cry