Sunday, June 30, 2013

Song - Ceyran

I've discovered a really beautiful song sung by  Fərqanə Qazimova. However, I can't find the words and this again leads me to ask questions that are fundamental to the whole history of Azerbaijani folk music. How does it work? This song must be a composed professional work because the music is attributed to Hacı Xanməmmədov (1918-2005) in Min Bir Mahnı. So, I am assuming that Xanməmmədov Müəllim wrote the music, then chose verses from Aşıq Ələsgər (1821-1926). Or, did he just arrange music that was already associated with the words? Obviously they did not collaborate on the song because of their dates. I would really like some advice on this. Maybe the music she uses is altogether different?

A related question is - why doesn't Fərqanə Xanım sing all of Aşıq Ələskər's words? The first stanza is his except that she replaces (or someone else did?) "xəstə oldum" with "düşdüm oda". Where do the other words that she sings come from? Another aşıq? A poet? She sings "Saz ilə, saz ilə, ceyranım balasını (?), Dağlarda kəklik oxlu ???" I will try to get help with these words. In the meantime, this is the Aşıq Ələskər version.

OK, I back to this with more information. I am pleased to see a posting of a translation! Always appreciated. I have also received a very helpful email from Ted Levin who was the Executive Producer of the CD with this song on it. I will add the words from that version and then attempt a translation.

Mus.: Hacı Xanməmmədov, söz.: Aşıq Ələsgər

Durum dolanım başına,
Qaşı-gözü qara ceyran.
Həsrətindən xəstə oldum
Eylə dərdə çara, ceyran.

Eşqində mərd dayansan,
Mən yanaram, sən də yansan,
Özün bir tülək tərlansan
Niyə uydun sara, ceyran.

Ələsgərəm, yardan oldum,
Eşqin girdabına qaldım,
Küsdürmüşdüm, könlün aldım,
Yalvara-yalvara, ceyran.

Geraili – Aşıq Ələsgər (1821-1926)
Gəzəl – Seyid Hacı Rza Sərraf (d. 1907)

Durum dolanım başına,
Qaşın, gözün qara Ceyran
Həsrətindən düşdüm oda
Eylə dərdə çarə, Ceyran

Let me surround you with care,
Your dark eyes, Ceyran
I am burning with desire
Deliver me from this suffering, Ceyran.

Saz ilə, saz ilə ceyranın balasını
Dağlarda kəklik oxlasın
Aşkar dolana bilməsəm
Pünhan başına dolanım
            Ay yar, dolanım

With the saz, with the saz, my fawn,
Let the partridges in the mountains murmur,
If I could not care for you openly,
Then let me care in secret,
Oh my love, let me care for you.

Ələsgərəm, aşıq ollam,
Eşqin dəryasına dallam qallam.
Küşdürmüşəm, könlün allam
Yalvara-yalvara, Ceyran

I am Ələsgər, let me love,
Let me sink into the vast ocean of love.
I have caused offense, but I will win your favor
By imploring you, Ceyran. 

Xədəngə-naz ilə könlüm quşun şikar elədin,
Könüldə gizlin olan sirri aşikar elədin.

Nə qədr sən yoxdudun, bilməzidim eşq nədir,
Bətayi-eşqə məni sən gözəl duçar elədin.

Rədifü qafiyəvi  səc’u bəhri bilməz idim,
Fünuni-şe’ri bu Sərrafa sən şuar elədin.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Song - Mehriban Olaq

This song has become quite well known in the English-speaking world because of the recording by Alim Qasimov and Fərqanə Qasimova. And with good reason. I love their treatment of this song - very punchy, lively, and joyful. I'm finally getting around to a proper translation. There are a few unusual words here, but they aren't the problem. Rather, it is how to translate the normal words without the English sounding completely bland and the sentiments trite. Not easy. If I had to find one word to describe most Azerbaijani people that I've met, I would say "kind" would be the word. So, I want to get this right!

Mehriban Olaq
Mus: Şəfiqə Axundova, söz: İsgəndər Coşğun
An Ode to Kindness

Duyğularım dilə gəldi yenə,
Ey insanlar, qulaq asın mənə.

My tongue is inspired,
People, open your ears!

Min könüldə bir can olaq,
Daha da mehriban olaq.
Mehriban, qayğıkeş bir insan olaq,
Mehriban olaq, mehriban olaq.

May a thousand hearts unite as one soul,
Full of kindness,
Care and compassion.

Təmiz eşqi, məhəbbəti tutaq,
Deyək, gülək qəm-qüssədən uzaq.

Hold fast to love and affection,
Laugh, banish sorrow.

İllər ötür biz doluruq yaşa.
Məhəbbətlə vuraq ömrü başa.

The years pass, we live our lives.
Let us live with love to the end of our days.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Song - Dəli Ceyran

This is listed as a xalq mahnısı in Min Bir Mahnı. However, it credits Əlağa Vahid with the words. This is something that I don't understand. Isn't it part of the definition of a xalq mahnısı that the author is unknown? Or can folk songs be given new lyrics? Or are there tunes out there whose words have been lost? Never had words?

Also, I read today that the oldest of the xalq mahnısı come from country work songs, much like some Scottish tunes do - for example waulking songs (raising the nap on tweed). This is exactly what it said: "Ən qədim mahnılar Çoban avazı, Tutu nənəm, Sağım mahnısı, Çiçək şumla yeri, Şum nəğməsidir."  I read this as shepherd songs, grandmothers'  songs?? (songs for children?), milking songs, threshing?? songs, and ploughing songs. Please correct me if I am misunderstanding this.

While I am on questions, here are a few more...

Muğam Radio has two beautiful audio recordings by Alim Gasimov. I cannot find the words anywhere. I don't even know if they are modern compositions or xalq mahnısı or what. Here's the link:

The songs are Bağışla Məni (Azizim) and Gəl Gəl (Ceyranım).

Also, how do we know which xalq mahnısı are really old? How old is old? When did they stop? Are they still appearing (anonymously) from the countryside? Is there a definitive list? Some have 7 syllable lines, some 11 or 12. Are these different poetic forms? I also read that all xalq mahnısı are based on muğams. How? And how can you tell? So many questions. I think I may be dəli one of these days!

In the meantime, I will turn to this xalq mahnısı... I am basing the lyrics on an audio recording of Şövkət Ələkbarova from Muğam Radio and Min Bir Mahnı, though it seems Şövkət Xanım sings a few extra lines... The final line here has been completely flummoxed.

Dəli Ceyran
Xalq mahnısı, söz.: Əlağa Vahid

Wild Gazelle

Gözəlim, aşiqini salma nəzərdan,
Həsrətindən ölürəm, gəl  bizə hərdən.
Sənə çoxdan vurulub bu dəli könlüm,
Neyləyim ki, xəbərin yoxdu xəbərdən.

My beautiful one, be attentive to your lover,
I am dying of longing, come to us now and then.
Long ago my mad heart fell for you,
What can I do, if you don't know.

Gəl, mənə naz eyləmə, ay dəli ceyran,
O qara gözlərinə olmuşam heyran.
Gəl, mənə naz eyləmə, ay dəli ceyran,
O xumar gözlərinə olmuşam heyran.

Come, don't tease me, oh, wild gazelle,
I am thunder-struck by your dark eyes.
Come, don't be capricious, oh, untamed gazelle,
I am dumbfounded by your captivating eyes.

Bir dönüb baxmaq ilə canımı aldın,
Məni Məcnun eyləyib çöllərə saldın.
Mən sənə inanıb, öz könlümü verdim,
Sənsə məni atıb, əğyar ilə qaldın.

She won my heart with a single glance,
I have become mad with love like Majnun, wandering aimlessly.
I trusted you, I gave you my heart,
You left me for someone else.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Song - Sevgi Valsı

Time to try translating a few modern classics.  Sure is easier than translating xalq mahnısı! However, I rarely get things completely right the first time, so please advise! Thanks for the help with "baş acıq" - I'm translating it as carefree.

This song by Tofiq Quliyev is sung by Rashid Behbudov in the film Baxtiyar. He has encountered his childhood friend, Sasha, at a dance and falls in love.

Sevgi Valsı
Love Waltz

Bir vaxt uşaq idik, dost idin mənə,
Baş acıq, ayaq yalın gəzərdik bağları.
Səni gördüm, dostum, yad etdim yenə
Bir şirin yuxu kimi ötən o çağları.

Once we were kids, you were my friend,
We would run barefoot and carefree through the orchards.
I saw you now, my friend, and those times came back to me
Like a sweet dream.

Ah niyə,
Nə üçün
Mən beləyəm bəs bu gün,
Ah niyə
Sənin mən
Tuta bilmirəm əllərindən,
Nə qəşəngsən, nə gözəlsən
Bu axşam sən əziz dost.

Oh why,
Why am I like this today,
I can't hold your hand,
How lovely, how beautiful you are
This evening, my dear friend.

Ah, bu gözəlliyi bəs mən o zaman
Nə üçün hiss etmədim, dostum, bu günki tək.
Bu gün nə olsa da, əzizim, inan,
Öz sözün deyər sənə daha sevən ürək.

Oh, it's strange that I didn't notice then
This beauty that I see today.
And whatever happens today, my darling, trust me,
My heart will speak words of love.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Song - Sarı Gəlin

Arguably the most well-known song in Azerbaijan and something of a second national anthem I believe. A beautiful song. I have long thought about attempting to translate it, but have been avoiding it because of the difficulty of some lines. I look forward to getting lots of help with this one!

The first two stanzas are the ones that I am familiar with, but there is a third stanza. It is very hard to translate. I notice that Alim Qazımov sang the first and third stanzas for Eurovision. I also noticed he replaced "gülü sulu" with "gülü qönçə" instead - flower buds. Some sources list "Nə ola bir gün görəm" as "Gün ola mən bir görəydim". But, these small changes aside, the song is pretty much as below.

You will probably notice that all lines are 7 syllables long. Online sources say this is because the poem is written in the Bayati form. I will assume then that there is room for interpretation of some lines since they are strictly limited in this way. So, here's my first go at a translation... Thanks to a posting I will alter the translation of the final stanza. Very helpful commentary!

Sarı Gəlin
Fair-haired Bride
Saçın ucun hörməzlər
Gülü sulu dərməzlər
Sarı gəlin
Saçın ucun hörməzlər
Gülü sulu dərməzlər
Sarı gəlin
Your hair should not be braided,
Tender buds should not be picked.
Fair-haired bride.
Bu sevda nə sevdadır
Səni mənə verməzlər
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
Bu sevda nə sevdadır
Səni mənə verməzlər
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
This love, what an intense longing,
But they will not give me your hand.
Oh, what can I do?
What can I do?
Fair-haired bride.
Bu dərənin uzunu,
Çoban, qaytar quzunu, quzunu
Bu dərənin uzunu,
Çoban, qaytar quzunu, quzunu 
Nə ola bir gün görəm
Nazlı yarın üzünü 
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
Nə ola bir gün görəm
Nazlı yarın üzünü
Neynim aman, aman
Neynim aman, aman
Sarı gəlin
To this long valley,
Shepherd, return your flock,
Would that I could see
My love's beautiful face.
Oh, what can I do?
What can I do?
Fair-haired bride.

Aşıq ellər ayrısı,
Şana tellər ayrısı,
Bir gününə dözmədim,
Oldum illər ayrısı.
Neynim aman, aman, sarı gəlin.

The ashug sings, beyond compare,
Her glorious locks, nonpareil,
I cannot endure another day,
After years of separation,
Oh, what can I do,
Fair bride.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Song - Bülbüllər Oxur

Vacation at last! Time for music and language. I've picked a xalq mahnısı that you hear played a lot in Baku. I got the words from my little green book, Min Bir Mahnı. I found a couple of recordings online. You can listen to Səvavet Məmmədov or Elmira Rehimova. They are both wonderful renditions. The incomparable Şövkət Ələkbərova has audio on the Muğam Radio site. However, as always, I have many questions that need answering. Şövkət Xanım's version is exactly as below. The other two differ in that Səvavet says "gözəl" instead of oğlan and he leaves out the middle stanza. Elmira Xanım changes a few lines - "Ləbin qoy" for "Üzün qoy" and a few others. All sing a bit of mugham before the final verse. Is this Segah? They all sing different verses from what I can tell. It would be nice to find the words written out somewhere.

Apart from the differences in the recordings, it is hard to interpret the song. It seems clear to me that the singer/speaker is a woman, but my online expert, Alef, says that these songs are never written from a woman's point-of-view. Hard to know what to do with all of those üstəs as well! I need to go help a friend who is moving tomorrow, so will return to type up my translation this afternoon. In the meantime, all advice will be gratefully received!... I'm back and the translation is complete. Thanks to the anonymous poster of an early translation - lovely to work together with others who share a passion for this music. Look forward to more comments.

Bülbüllər Oxur
Xalq mahnısı

Bülbüllər oxur,
Cəh-cəh vurur, bağda gül üstə.
Ay oğlan, boyu bəstə,
Gəl, əyləş çəmən üstə,
Sən məndən könül istə,
Mən deyim: gözüm üstə.

Nightingales Sing

Nightingales sing,
Warbling on flowers in the garden.
Hey, my slender boy,
Come, sit on the greensward,
Ask for my heart,
And I will tell you it is yours.

Bəh-bəh, nə gözəl
Candır, məgər sərvi-rəvandır,
Oğlan, getmə amandır,
Məni başına dolandır,
Üzün qoy üzüm üstə,
Əcəb yaxşı zamandır.

Hey, what a beautiful form,
Is he not like the smooth cypress,
Ah, don't go,
Stay with me,
Put your face next to mine,
The time is right.

Altında boz at,
Çiynində tüfəng, belində qatarı,
Ay oğlan, sən Tanrı, dolan gəl bizə sarı.
Gələrsən qadan allam,
Gədərsən yola sallam.

Riding a grey steed,
Rifle on your shoulder, bandolier around your waist,
Hey my slender boy, for the love of God, turn and come our way.
If you come, I will welcome you,
If you go, I will bid you farewell.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Song - Ağacda alma

Another xalq mahnısı that I promised Nigar I would translate. So, here goes.

Ağacda alma

The apples in the tree

Ağacda alma, dərrəm sataram,
Bir saçı burma hardan taparam?

I will pick apples that I can sell,
Where will I find a ringlet of hair?

Ay haray, yar əlindən, o qara tellərindən,
Əqər izin versən, öpərəm gözlərindən.

Oh, my love, from your hand, your dark locks,
If you permit me, I would place a chaste kiss on your brow.

Bağlarda çicək, dərrəm, sataram,
Bir üzü göyçək hardan taparam?

In the garden I pick blossoms to sell,
Where will I find a beautiful face?

Bazarda püstə allam sataram,
Bir boyu bəstə hardan taparam.

In the bazaar I find pistachios to sell,
Where will I find a slender girl?

Rashid Behbudov sings it here.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Song - Yaxan düymələ

Here is a song that my friend Nigar wants me to translate. It too is a xalq mahnısı. Oddly enough, it mentions "süsən sünbül" like the previous song I translated. The first word, sallanıban, is a real puzzle. It certainly is not in the dictionary. It is also hard to know what the title means. Hide your beauty? Come outside? I really need some help with this one...

Yaxan düymələ
Sallanıban gələn dilbər,
Yaxan düymələ, düymələ.
Məni dərdə salan dilbər,
Yaxan düymələ, düymələ.

Köynəyinin gülü yaşıl,
Süsən sünbülü dolaşır.
Gözəlik sənə yaraşır,
Yaxan düymələ, düymələ.

Kərəm* sənə nələr demiş,
O dil-dodağını yemiş.
Kətan köynək bəndi gümüş,
Yaxan düymələ, düymələ.

Your beauty shone forth,
Button up your collar.
It has made me agitated,
Button it up.

The green flowers of your chemise,
Ears of wheat entwine.
Beauty suits you,
Button your collar.

What things did Kərəm say to you?
He was at a loss for words.
Linen blouse and silver clasp,
Button up your collar.

*The name of a famous ashig.

Here is a link to a version by the young Alim Gasimov.

Song - Süsən Sünbül

Another xalq mahnısı. This is a tune that I haven't heard before but I am going to learn on the kamancha. Strangely I can't find a recording on the Internet. Too bad. Anyway, here are the words. I hope I will learn the tune soon...

As usual I start off thinking, "Oh, this doesn't look so difficult...", and then the simplest of sentences can have me scratching my head. For instance, "Ömrü başa yetirmişəm." Is the baş in this case referring to the head of the wheat, to the guy's head or to some metaphorical head? I have chosen to interpret it as the wheat. Please correct me if you know better. I am assuming that the song is essentially about a fellow who has prepared everything for his imminent wedding but whose lover has flown.

Süsən Sünbül

Süsən-sünbül bitirmişəm,
Mən yarımı itirmişəm,
Ömrü başa yetirmişəm.
Aman, Gülgəz, yarım hanı?

The wheat is high that I have grown,
But I have lost my love,
My life is over.
Oh, where is Gulgaz, my love?

O məh camalın, ağ üzdə xalın,
Öldürdü məni, nədir xəyalın?
Yar əlindən badə içdim,
Mətləbimə mən yetişdim.
Kəcavəsin bəzəmişdim,
Aman, Gülgəz, gülüm hanı?

Your face, so white, with its single beauty mark,
It has destroyed me, what are you hoping for?
Love, I have drunk wine from your hands,
I have brought all my desires to fruition.
I have adorned your palanquin,
But where are you, Gulgaz, my flower?

Mələkxanım Əyyubova sings it here.