Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feli sifət (verb suffixes that create adjectives)

This verbal adjective is created by adding -miş to the verb root. The adjective describes something that happened in the past.

çəkilmiş ət - ground meat (meat that has been ground)
danışmış sözlər - spoken words (words that have been spoken)
yazılmıs kitablar - written books (books that have been written)
dünən telefonda danışmış (danışan) qadın - the woman who was talking on the phone yesterday

This verbal ajective describes nouns that will be doing something in the future. It is created by adding -əcək to the verb root.

sabah danışacaq adamlar - the people who are going to speak tomorrow
gələn həftə təmizləyəcək qadın - the woman who is going to clean next week
bu axşam bişirəcəyim yemeyi - the meal that I am going to cook this evening

In practice, simpler ways to say these things are used:
sabah danışan adamlar - the people speaking tomorrow
o adamlar ki sabah danışacaqlar - the people who are going to speak tomorrow

When -məz is added to the verb root, it created an adjective that means "not able to be ...".

inanilmaq - to be believed
inanilmaz - unbelievable

It can also mean never:

ölmək - to die
ölməz - immortal

Adding -ən to the verb root creates an adjective to describe a person or thing.The noun that follows the verbal adjective is doing the action.

yatan körpə - sleeping baby
qaçan kişi - running man
televizora baxan qadın - the woman who is watching television
Dünən televizora baxan qadın getdi. - The woman who was watching television yesterday left.

Adding - dik to the verb root creates the same sort of adjective, but this time the noun that follows the verbal adjective is receiving the action.

onun satdığı kitab - the books that he is selling
bizim gördüyümüz iş - the work that we are doing
tikdiyin kofta - the blouse that you are sewing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I think it has to be "danishilmis sözler" instead of "danishmis sözler". Thank you