Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eurovision 2011 - Küçələrə su səpmişəm

We've all heard Eldar and Nigar's Eurovision song, Running Scared, but what about the other one?

So just what was that song that Eldar and Nigar (Eli/Nikki) sang during an interview for Eurovision? It is one of the most famous and beloved of all Azerbajian's xalq mahnısı (folk songs) - Küçələrə su səpmişəm (transliterated into English as Kuchalara su sapmisham or Kuchelere su sepmishem). It is famously sung by Rashid Behbudov. It is also included as a song in the singing of mugham.

Here is the first stanza, followed by my English translation. Each line is sung twice.

Küçələrə su səpmişəm,
Yar gələndə toz olmasın.
Elə gəlsin, elə getsin,
Aramızda söz olmasın.

I have thrown water into the street,
My beloved is coming, so there must not be dust.
Let her come, let her go,
But let there not be words between us.

A brilliant rendition by a young Azerbaijani singer as part of a mugham:

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