Saturday, July 26, 2008

Adjectives and adverbs with li/siz (with/without)

You can add -li (-lı, lü, lu) and -siz (-sız, süz, suz) to just about any adjectives or adverb and get a word that means with (li) or without (siz). Very useful and fun to try out new constructions in your everyday conversations.

Let's look at one that you are sure to encounter straight away - qazlı and qazsız su
qaz = gas
su = water
qazlı su = water with gas (that is, carbonated or sparkling)
qazsız su = water without gas (still water)

Here are some more words. Try making up your own - you are likely to be right!

word / meaning / +li / +siz

ədalət = justice / ədalətli = just / ədalətsiz = unjust

ağıl = intelligence / ağıllı = intelligent / ağılsız = stupid
əsas = basis / əsaslı = sound, valid, solid / əsassız = baseless, groundless
dad = taste / dadlı = tasty / dadsız = tasteless, unpalatable

diqqət = attention / diqqətli = careful / diqqətsiz =careless
ev = home / evli = married / evsiz = unmarried; homeless
fərq = difference / fərqli = different; differently / fərqsiz = no difference
güc / strength, force / güclü = strong / gücsüz = weak, feeble
günah = sin // günahsız = innocent
hirs = anger / hirsli = angry; angrily
limon = lemon / limonlu =lemony
maraq = interest / maraqlı = interesting / maraqsız = boring
pul = money / pullu = rich / pullu = free of charge: poor
son = end // sonsuz = endless
su = water / sulu = watery; juicy / susuz = arid; thirsty

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