Today's BBC Azeri has an article about the Absheron gas field. It has some fairly complex sentences. I have attempted to translate some of the article with an explanation of specific elements of grammar. One verb form that I can't identify is çəkərək. What verb form is this? Help from native speakers on this would be appreciated. The parts in bold are from the original article.
Abşeron yatağında qaz hasilatı 10 ildən sonra başlaya bilər
Ten years later, in the Absheron field gas production can begin.
> yataq (also the word for bed) has the q change to a ğ because a suffix starting with a vowel has been added. This is an example of consonant alterations (q chances to ğ and k chances to y). The ı is added as possessive of Abşeron. The da means in or on. The n before the da is a buffer consonant.
> qaz hasilatı - the ı is possessive. Hasilat means production.
> baslaya bilər - we have already seen this form with the verb bilmək. A (in this case ya because of the final vowel) is added to the root of the verb.
Bakıdakı Neft Araşdırmaları Mərkəzinin rəhbəri İlham Şaban hesab edir ki, Transxəzər qaz kəməri layihəsi 1990-cı illərdə indikindən daha aktual görünürdü.
In Baku (literally, that is in Baku) Oil Investigations Center's chief Ilham Shaban considers that the Transcaspian pipeline project seemed more urgent 10 years ago.
Çünki o dövrdə türkmən qazının real alıcısı var idi - Türkiyə. O zaman Türkmənistan Avropa bazarına 30 mlrd kub metr qaz çıxarmağa hazır idi. İndi bu rəqəm cəmi 10 mlrd kub metr təşkil edir, ekspert Rusiyanın Regnum nəşrinə bildirib.
Because at that time, Turkmen gas had a real buyer - Turkey. At that time Turkmenistan was prepared to extract 30 billion cubic meters of gas. Now the total figure is (forms) 10 billion cubic meters, an expert informed (explained to) Russia's Regnum publication.
İ. Şaban Abşeron qaz yatağnın kəşfi ilə bağlı Avropa İttifaqında yaranan eyforiyaya diqqəti çəkərək, xatırladıb ki, Aİ siyasi təşkilatdır, və o Transxəzər kəmərini tikməyəcək.
I. Shaban drew attention to the euphoria created in the E. U. with the discovery and closure of the Absheron oil field, and he recalled that the E. U. is a political organization and thus cannot build the Transcaspian pipeline.
Bu layihə gəlir gətirməsə, elə Nabucco olduğu kimi kağızda qalacaq, ekspert vurğulayıb.
If this project does not come about, it will remain as being Nabucco's on paper, an expert emphasized.
Dear Ms. Colleen,
One verb form that I can't identify is çəkərək. What verb form is this?
The verb form is “çəkmek”. You can find various meanings of it in “Azərbaycan dilinin izəhli lüğəti – Cild I”.
If you separate the root of a verb and add to this root –erek, or -araq, (depending on the wovels) you give the meaning of “by doing this”. Example:
mektub yazaraq = by writing letter
mahnı oxuyaraq = by singing song.
And so on..
I hope this will help.
Thanks so much. That is really very helpful.
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