Sunday, July 22, 2012

Words starting with həm-

Həm- as a prefix indicates similarity. Here are a few examples:

həmcins - homogenous; of the same sex
həmçinin - also, as well
həmdərd - fellow sufferer
həmdin - coreligionist
həməqidə - like-minded person
həməsr - contemporary
həmfikir - like-minded person
həmxana - roommate, housemate * apparently otaq yoldaşı is better
həmxasiyyət - having the same character, temperment
həmin - the same
həmkar - colleague (co-worker)
həmkarlıq - collaboration
həmməna - synonym
həmmənalı - synonymous
həmməzhəb - coreligionist
həmnöv - homogeneous, uniform * oxşar is better
həmrəng - of the same color
həmrəngli - of the same color
həmrəy - unanimous
həmrəylik - solidarity, unanimity
həmsərhəd - having the same border
həmsöhbət - interlocutor
həmşəhərli - from the same town or country
həmtay - equal * tay-tuş is the common expression
həmtaylıq - the state of being equal
həmyaş - of the same age * yaşıd is better
həmyerli - from the same place


Alef Noon said...

Hi Colleen,

You have a few mistakes in your list. I noticed that you do these mistake once in a while perhaps assuming that once you know suffix or prefix you can add it to any word (I noticed same kind of mistakes with the word/prefix "qeyri" (like in qeyri-adi) ).
You cannot add həm to any word you want to. There are words you cannot add them either for grammatical or stylistic reasons. On the other hand you can add them to some words which everyone can recognize even though no one uses them in that way.
For example, there is no həmxana, həmnöv, həmtay, həmyaş in azeri. İnstead you could say otaq yoldaşı, oxşar, tay-tuş, and yaşıd.
On the other hand you can use həmşəri or həmşəhri for həmşəhərli. But həmşəri or həmşəhri is an old word that went out of use today and people who use it mostly are azeris who come from Iran.
Such irregularities arise because azeri language sometimes uses several suffixes and prefixes from different languages (persian, arabic, latin and greek in some loanwords) for the same purpose.
For example qeyri (like in qeyri-hökumət) is arabic na is persian (like in nakişi) and siz(4) (like in namussuz) is turkish but all of them negate. However, you cannot use them arbitrarily saying like qeyi-namus, nanamus, and namussuz.
You have to know which suffix or prefix goes with which word even though suffixes (like bi and siz(4) ) may mean the same thing.
I hope it helps.
Post on your blog if you have questions and I will try to help with my broken English.

Cara H said...

Great blog you hhave here