Sunday, June 5, 2011

Feli bağlama -ə + bilmək

There are many feli bağlama in Azerbaijani. Verb suffixes can change the meaning of a verb and its relationship to the second verb in a sentence. These are a bit difficult but very useful.

 -ə + bilmək - meaning "to be able to do something" 
Instead of an infinitive, an ə is added to the end of a verb root to create a new verb form that is used with bilmək. A very easy form to learn.

present - 
Mən azərbaycanca danışa bilirəm. I can speak Azerbaijani.
Onlar cavab verə bilmirlər çünki oxumadılar. They could not answer because they did not study.
Sən gecə işləyə bilirsən? Can you work late?
Mən sənnən danışa bilmir çünki o məşğuldur. He can't talk with you because he is busy. 

indefinite future -
Mən darsı verə bilərəm. I can give a lesson (and I am willing to do it).
O ərzaq ala bilər. He can buy some food.
Sən pianino çala bilərsən? Can you (and are you willing to) play the piano? 
Siz radio söndürə bilərsiz? Can you (and are you willing to) turn off the radio?

di past -
Dünən kitabxanaya gedə bilmədim. Yesterday I couldn't go to the library.
Orda işləyəndə o işdə lanç ala bilirdi. When he worked there he could buy his lunch at work.

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