Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Infinitive + üçün = in order to

Infinitive + üçün is used to explain why an action has taken place. This construction always seems to come first in the sentence, followed by the resulting action. Handy and easy-to-learn.

Some examples:

Yemək üçün, biz restorana getdik. In order to eat, we went to a restaurant. (We went to a restaurant to eat.)

Yaxşı yatmaq üçün, mən mənim yataq otağımın yerini dəyişdim. In order to sleep well, I changed the location of my bedroom.

Yumurta almaq üçün, mən dükana getirəm. - In order to buy eggs, I am going to the store.

Theatra getmək üçün, saat 7-də evimizdən çıxdıq. - In order to go to the theater, we left our house at 7 o'clock.

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