Thursday, August 4, 2011

Words starting with A - same or similar to English or French

There are a surprising number of words that are the same or very similar to English. Here's the list of almost 100 for just the letter A! I have included some that are just very easy to remember, such as adam (the first man) is the word for man.

abonement - subscription
absolyut - absolute
absolyutizm - absolutism
abunə - subscription
adam - man
adres - address
aerodrom - aerodrome
aeroport - airport
Afrika - Africa
agent - agent
agentlik - agency
ah - ah
akademik - academic
akademiya - academy
akasiya - acacia
akreditiv - a letter of credit
akt - contract, treaty, act
aktiv - active
aktyor - actor
aktual - actual
aqrar - agrarian
agronom - agronomist
alban - Albanian
albaniya - Albania
alkoqol - alcohol
alkoqolizm - alcoholism
Allah - Allah
alman - German
almaniya - Germany
alternativ - alternative
Amerika - Amerika
analitik - analytical
analiz - analysis
analogiya - analogy
analoq - analogue
ananas - pine-apple
anarxizm - anarchism
anatom - anatomist
anatomiya - anatomy
anket - questionnaire, form
anomaliya - anomaly
anormal - abnormal
ansambl - emsamble
antenna - antenna
anti - anti
anti-demonkratik - anti-democratic
anti-semit - anti-Semitic
anti-faşist - anti-fascist
antik - ancient
aparat - apparatus
aparatura - apparatus, equipment
appendisit - appendicitis
aprel - April
arxaik - archaic
arxaizm - archaism
arxeologiya - archaeology
arxeologiyaq - archaeologist
arxeologiyaji - archaeologic
arxiv - archive
artist - actor
asfalt - asphalt
Asiya - Asia
aspekt - aspect
aspirant - postgraduate student
assosiasiya - assocation
astma - asthma
astronavt - astronaut
astronom - astronomer
astronomiya - astronomy
ateizm - atheism
atlas - atlas
atlet - athlete
atletik - athletic
atlektika - athletics
atmosfera - atmosphere
atom - atom
attaşe - attache
attestat - certificate
attestasiya - certification
audioriya - auditorium
auksion - auction
avanqard - avant-garde
avantür - adventure
avqust - August
aviasiya - aviation
Avropa - Europe
Avstraliya - Australia
Avstriya - Austria
avtobus - bus
avtomat - automation
avtomobil - automobile
avtoportret - self-portrait
avtoritar - authoritarian
avtoritet - authority
Azərbaycan - Azerbaycan

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