Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Numbers 1 to 100

I had a request recently for more video at a beginner level. So, we'll start with the numbers, then move on to fruit and veg, shopping language and taxi language. I'm celebrating the purchase of a new iPod which I used to make this simple video. I'm hoping to collect some photos and recordings from around Baku in the near future. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Resources update

Have you updated to Dilmanc 2.5? Go to to get this terrific free translation software.

There is also Google Translate online (|az|) but Dilmanc is much more accurate.

Polyglot also has a free dictionary for download. Go to - Windows versiyası.

-ən / -an = somebody who is / something that is doing something

I guess it is technically a participle, but knowing that doesn't help me learn to use it any quicker! In Azerbaijani you cannot say "the girl who is lauging" - instead you say "the laughing girl". It is easier to change the English phrase around in your head before translating it into Azerbaijani.

For example - the girl who is laughing = the laughing girl = gülən qız

Read more examples...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

DİQ – non-future participle used as an adjective

The form is created by taking the verb root + diq + possessive suffixes. However, because all the possessive suffixes begin with vowels, the endings are in effect –dığ, -duğ, -diy, -düy. The Q from maq changes to a ğ, as in tanımaq – tanıdığ-, or oxumaq – oxuduğ-. The K from mək changes to y, as in istəmək – istədiy-, or düşmək – düşdüy-.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kim, nə, hara + isə = indefinite objects, persons or places

The i in isə is usually dropped after a consonant or not pronounced after a vowel [pronounciation follows in square brackets]. They are declined as regular nouns, with the case endings coming before the isə. These three little words are very useful indeed!

Case endings for pronouns

Personal and demonstrative pronouns take case endings. However, when they end in a vowel, the buffer letter is n, not y.

Case endings for question words and adverbs

Question words with case endings - Nominative (subject of the sentence - no case ending), Genitive (of), Dative (to), Objective (direct object), Locative (at, in, on), Ablative (from). For words that are pronounced differently from their spelling, I have included the correct pronounciation in square brackets after the word.

Case endings for nouns

A selection of nouns listing in the order of cases: Nominative (subject of the sentence - no case ending), Genitive (of), Dative (to), Objective (direct object), Locative (at, in, on), Ablative (from). I have used an example for all vowels (with words ending with consonants and words ending in vowels), plus words ending in k or q.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

noun or adverb + -ki = when

A few examples:

bu günki işim - my work for today
dünənki vəziyyət - yesterday's situation
bu axşamkı tamaşa - this evening's show
keçan yaydakı hava - last summer's weather

locative noun + ki suffix = the thing+ki that is / are somewhere

To talk about the location of a thing, you use the suffix -ki. Where we would say in English, for example, "The sentences that are below", in Azerbaycani is "The-below-at-that sentences."

Here are more examples, using phrases and in sentences.

Infinitive + üçün = in order to

Infinitive + üçün is used to explain why an action has taken place. This construction always seems to come first in the sentence, followed by the resulting action. Handy and easy-to-learn.

Some examples:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Words starting with U, V, Y, Z - same or similar to English or French

I haven't been able to find any words beginning with Ü that have a parallel in English or French. But still a few from the last four letters of the Azerbaijani alphabet.

Verb phrases using Əl (hand)

There are many expressions using əl. Some are quite literal but others would be impossible to guess. A friend recently helped me learn these. The entry for əl in my red dictionary covers three pages!!

Words starting with R, S, Ş, T - same or similar to English or French

Almost through the entire alphabet now...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another great resource

I recently found another learning resource and I have just received it in the mail. A fabulous find! It's a textbook and two CDs of conversation and audio drills.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sən nə etməyi sevirsən? (What do you like to do?)

A good way to practice using the verbal noun form in the accusative is to answer the question "What do you like doing?" Here are some of my answers.