Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Song - Dəli Ceyran

This is listed as a xalq mahnısı in Min Bir Mahnı. However, it credits Əlağa Vahid with the words. This is something that I don't understand. Isn't it part of the definition of a xalq mahnısı that the author is unknown? Or can folk songs be given new lyrics? Or are there tunes out there whose words have been lost? Never had words?

Also, I read today that the oldest of the xalq mahnısı come from country work songs, much like some Scottish tunes do - for example waulking songs (raising the nap on tweed). This is exactly what it said: "Ən qədim mahnılar Çoban avazı, Tutu nənəm, Sağım mahnısı, Çiçək şumla yeri, Şum nəğməsidir."  I read this as shepherd songs, grandmothers'  songs?? (songs for children?), milking songs, threshing?? songs, and ploughing songs. Please correct me if I am misunderstanding this.

While I am on questions, here are a few more...

Muğam Radio has two beautiful audio recordings by Alim Gasimov. I cannot find the words anywhere. I don't even know if they are modern compositions or xalq mahnısı or what. Here's the link:


The songs are Bağışla Məni (Azizim) and Gəl Gəl (Ceyranım).

Also, how do we know which xalq mahnısı are really old? How old is old? When did they stop? Are they still appearing (anonymously) from the countryside? Is there a definitive list? Some have 7 syllable lines, some 11 or 12. Are these different poetic forms? I also read that all xalq mahnısı are based on muğams. How? And how can you tell? So many questions. I think I may be dəli one of these days!

In the meantime, I will turn to this xalq mahnısı... I am basing the lyrics on an audio recording of Şövkət Ələkbarova from Muğam Radio and Min Bir Mahnı, though it seems Şövkət Xanım sings a few extra lines... The final line here has been completely flummoxed.

Dəli Ceyran
Xalq mahnısı, söz.: Əlağa Vahid

Wild Gazelle

Gözəlim, aşiqini salma nəzərdan,
Həsrətindən ölürəm, gəl  bizə hərdən.
Sənə çoxdan vurulub bu dəli könlüm,
Neyləyim ki, xəbərin yoxdu xəbərdən.

My beautiful one, be attentive to your lover,
I am dying of longing, come to us now and then.
Long ago my mad heart fell for you,
What can I do, if you don't know.

Gəl, mənə naz eyləmə, ay dəli ceyran,
O qara gözlərinə olmuşam heyran.
Gəl, mənə naz eyləmə, ay dəli ceyran,
O xumar gözlərinə olmuşam heyran.

Come, don't tease me, oh, wild gazelle,
I am thunder-struck by your dark eyes.
Come, don't be capricious, oh, untamed gazelle,
I am dumbfounded by your captivating eyes.

Bir dönüb baxmaq ilə canımı aldın,
Məni Məcnun eyləyib çöllərə saldın.
Mən sənə inanıb, öz könlümü verdim,
Sənsə məni atıb, əğyar ilə qaldın.

She won my heart with a single glance,
I have become mad with love like Majnun, wandering aimlessly.
I trusted you, I gave you my heart,
You left me for someone else.

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