Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Song - Mehriban Olaq

This song has become quite well known in the English-speaking world because of the recording by Alim Qasimov and Fərqanə Qasimova. And with good reason. I love their treatment of this song - very punchy, lively, and joyful. I'm finally getting around to a proper translation. There are a few unusual words here, but they aren't the problem. Rather, it is how to translate the normal words without the English sounding completely bland and the sentiments trite. Not easy. If I had to find one word to describe most Azerbaijani people that I've met, I would say "kind" would be the word. So, I want to get this right!

Mehriban Olaq
Mus: Şəfiqə Axundova, söz: İsgəndər Coşğun
An Ode to Kindness

Duyğularım dilə gəldi yenə,
Ey insanlar, qulaq asın mənə.

My tongue is inspired,
People, open your ears!

Min könüldə bir can olaq,
Daha da mehriban olaq.
Mehriban, qayğıkeş bir insan olaq,
Mehriban olaq, mehriban olaq.

May a thousand hearts unite as one soul,
Full of kindness,
Care and compassion.

Təmiz eşqi, məhəbbəti tutaq,
Deyək, gülək qəm-qüssədən uzaq.

Hold fast to love and affection,
Laugh, banish sorrow.

İllər ötür biz doluruq yaşa.
Məhəbbətlə vuraq ömrü başa.

The years pass, we live our lives.
Let us live with love to the end of our days.

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