Friday, July 29, 2011

Nouns or adjectives + laş / ləş = verbs

Another suffix that is commonly added to nouns and adjectives to make a verb is laş / ləş. Here is a list that İ have managed to compile. Please let me know if there are others.

ayaqlaşmaq - foot = to keep up, to keep pace with
bahalaşmaq - expensive = to become more expensive
birləşdirmək - one = to join, to unite, to combine
birləşmək - one = to join, to unite
darlaşmaq - narrow = to become narrow
dostlaşmaq - friend = to become friends
əlləşmək - hand = to make an effort, to try
əyləşmək - ayri is a bending = to sit down
fikirləşmək - thought = to think
hazırlaşmaq - ready = to get ready, to prepare for
qarşılaşmaq - the front = to meet, to run across, to encounter
liberallaşdırmaq - liberal = to liberalize
pisləşdirmək - bad = to cause to become worse
pisləşmək - bad = to become worse
razılaşmaq - content, pleased = to agree
salamlaşmaq - hello = to greet
tərsləşmaq - stubborn = to be obstinate
ucuzlaşmaq - cheap = to become cheaper
yaxınlaşmaq - near = to approach, to come near
yaxşılaşmaq - good = to improve
yerləşdirmək - place = to place, to put in order
yerləşmək - place = to settle, to be located, to be situated

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